2017 Outback 3.6 Touring

Year: 2017
Make, Model, and Trim: Subaru Outback 3.6 Touring
Months/Annual Mileage: 36/12K
Zip Code: 20176

I was just quoted:
MSRP: $40,045
Sale Price: $34,658
MF: 0.00110
RV: 62% ($24,827)
$425 a month

Virginia Tax 1506
Acq fee: 595
Processing Fee: 795
Seems too high unless are they doing it as $0 up front maybe. But the processing fee seems way out of bounds and the MF is a little high for prime+ credit.
Huge inventory of 3.6R outbacks around here

There is literally another thread about this… Did you really need to start another?

So a 2017 in my zip code for June 2017 in this folder?
Didn’t see it via search. So, apologies, but --literally-- did not see it.
Would have been helpful to include a link to what you referenced?

It was literally the first item to come up under search… But any way, Starting my search for Outback 3.6

MF is marked up.

As I said–also literally–not a Touring. Nor my region.
You realize they are different models by thousands $, different RVs, etc?
In the past, the rules have been to create a new thread for different models and not to put multiple models on one thread. Maybe that’s changed.

So thanks for replying, but the snarkiness was misplaced and misinformed.

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As I suspected. OK thanks Ursus.

You joined 6 hours ago… Settle down. The discount off MSRP should be approximately the same so it’s better to post there than start an entirely new thread for the same vehicle in a different trim line (but that is my opinion)

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Wrong is wrong. There is no license granted for snarkiness based on how long you have been a member.
You were unnecessarily snarky from the start. And “literally” felt like I was conversing with my 16 year old.
Thanks–was previously on and just rejoined. No problem. Out.

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Any new numbers for the 2018? I realize the numbers will all change in a couple days, but figured I’d check.