2017 Mercedes E300 lease expectations

I’ve spec’ed a E300 RWD out to an MSRP of $57,025 with only the Premium 1 package, which is all I feel is really necessary.

I’d be doing a 12k/36 lease and based on my research so far the RV is 61% but I don’t know what the MF is for this month.

What selling price should I expect? What can I expect as far as dealer discounts on an E300?

Shoot for 15%, which seems to be the limit of what’s possible with Mercedes. Then seek any incentives. Fleet is $1,000 on E Class I believe. Look at the deal that was just posted on a P1. He was able to obtain a payment of around $430 with just fees due at signing. That should probably be your target, but may be a challenge to replicate.

I am the person that got an E300 4Matic with an MSRP of 59,775 down to $429 with 1946 out of pocket (in addition to the 4500 in security deposits). Since your car is spec’ed out almost $3,000 cheaper, I would think that you should be able to get the car for about $400 a month. As for MF, after paying the 10 security deposits, mine was 0.00036. I do not know if the deals on E300 will change in April or not.

I believe RWD and 4Matic have slightly different MF, with RWD being slightly higher.

You can look on edmunds for the MF.

Are you buying this month? Mercedes stores love to chase volume.