2017 Masarati Ghibli S lease 36mo/ 12k miles


Need help to see if the deal is decent, 2017 Ghibli S, MSRP $82,000
12 K miles a year, 36 months
Sale price $ 63K
Down payment $3,500
Residual $40K
Money Factor .00012

Payment $549
Total Drive off $5800

Please let me know if the deal makes sense.

Thanks alot

what is the breakdown of the $5800 drive off?

3500 down
549 first mo
795 acq fee
956 ???

Seems like a great MF.

You’re at $710/mo if you amortize your drive-off. The advertised deal for the same car here in Atlanta is $709/mo with $6K drive off (or $875/mo amortizing the drive-off), and that’s for 36/10, so seems like a pretty good discount (19%) off of the regional offer here with the extra miles included.

3500 down
280 Tax
549 first mo+ tax=594
795 acq fee
License and registration 600

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Looks like a good deal to me!

a great deal. If that is the starting offer, any chance to negotiate the 3,500 away. 549 with 0 down + drive offs would be wonderful for this …

Which state is this deal in?

it looks good deal, got mine last October when they had $488 plus tax, with $2500 total drive off.
make sure to add maintenance package for $995, just had my first service and without the package i had to pay $995 for the first service, and they said i gotta change my front brake pad /rotor in six month, currently have 5500 miles, average cost is about $1600 for the front, $1800 for the back. If you are going to drive 36000 miles, you probably have to change twice on your brake and tires.

Its a good deal. Lots of miles. Have them work the $3500 into the monthly. Negotiate the pre paid maintenance as part of the deal. Don’t wait until you are in finance.

Man when brakes go that early i consider it defective.

I tried to reduce the down payment, no luck.

This is in California

$488 with no down is a great deal. was that on base model or S?

Thanks for the advice, If they work the $3500 into monthly payment does that mean about $100/ month more? how much should i pay for maintenance package?

it was base, I believe msrp was $74000, had to pay $2500 total drive off.
3 year maintenance package was $995, you get 2 services. 1st service usually cost about $1000, and 2nd service is about $1300. ask about brake package, if they have one. I was thinking about changing at independent shop, but they are not that cheap,and my service manager scared me if i do any service outside of authorized Maserati dealership they will void the warranty on the car.

You never want to pay any capital reduction. You can pay tax, title, license, first month, etc., but you should not pre-pay anything towards the capital. So, your drive off should go down $3,500, but over 36 months your payment should go up $97.22.

I think the pre-paid maintenance package has gotten more expensive. I paid $1,400, but they can work that into your payment too (about $40 per month). But then, maybe I over paid. I did not even think about maintenance until I was sitting in financing. The guy told me how expensive the required maintenance was, but I could buy the pre-paid maintenance for $1,400. I did not have time to research or bargain. So, I said yes, bundle it into my payment for peace of mind. I may have over paid or could have negotiated the overall price down.

I thought it was illegal to hold the warranty to captive service. That might be a state thing though.

So to other folks out there, who have leased the Ghibli for 3 years (i’m hoping to take the plunge soon) - are the brakes really that undependable! – 3-4k$ (or maybe more) on brake costs over 3 years/ 30-36 k miles??)

Am in San Diego. Trying to find the zero down option on the Ghibli. Called SD, Anaheim Hills, Beverly Hills but no such deal. Anyone planning on buying the car after the lease period expires? Any thoughts on deals where I get $0 down?