Leasing a 2017 GLE 350 in Georgia with MSRP 63,270 (Premium Package 1 with Parking Pilot, Panorama Sunroof, and Saddle Brown Leather.
CAP Cost is $58,270.
Sales Tax: $2093.91
Dealer/State Fees: $594
Negative Equity on Trade: $4,000
36 mo, 12k miles with $8000 down at $774/mo.
They are telling me that MF is .00096 and RES is 54.00.
Is this a bad deal? With 8k down to absorb the negative trade, I am concerned that the numbers seem a bit off. Maybe too much holdback?
Haha! Thanks. It seemed pretty bad but I wanted to make sure. Going to a different dealership. Can you advise as to MF and what was actually inflating the payment?
I would just buy the car at those prices. Its like almost 30k for 3 years not including negative equity. Sales price could be lower if purchase instead of lease.