2017 F-type Base Coupe $418 a month $0 down

I know, we need to make this forum more addictive :wink:


I was able to “replicate” this deal in Seattle last week… before the wife said no way are you getting a 2 seater with a newborn :cry:

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Tell her no problems, you will put the baby’s car seat in the passenger seat :slight_smile:


+1, Make you to turn off the airbag on the passenger side

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Seriously, I have been down this road before. This is what you do

  • tell your wife that your buddies are telling you that 1% MSRP is a good deal on a car
  • the f-type is $63k, so your budget is $630/mo
  • get the f-type
  • get another $200/mo vehicle like a Volt
  • do not mention insurance

Done and you’re welcome :wink:


Could you let me know where you saw the red one!?

Like others are saying, Todd referred me to the specials page on the website … which aren’t so special.

Problem is, I am the guy looking for a red coupe!

@chrisgo I think it’s a losing battle, and she’s already been spoiled for the 1% rule as we’ve been beating that for the last half dozen leases. She drives a 2016 Mercedes GLA (MSRP $45K) for $375/mo (including 9.6% WA tax) and $2k due at signing , and I drive a 2014 i3 for $160/mo and $1k due at signing. Both were service loaners with a couple K on the odometer.

My 24 month i3 lease expires end of June so I just started the process of hunting for the next one. Now that we have a 3 month old, I think I can only get sign off on a sedan or bigger. The i3 has been great but even that would be a non-starter.

I’m now in negotiations with the sales guy to get me the F-Pace at 1% of MSRP and it’s not going nearly as well as the F-Type discussions.

F type is a nice looking vehicle. Anyone in Georgia get any deal on this car?

Mission Viejo jaguar… talk to Heath

Thanks! Ill give him a shot tomorrow :smiley:

Can anyone share the residuals and MFs for April using the captive and/or US Bank? 36/10 and 24/10? Are they the same as March? Thanks.

@TheFleetingFox @Electrifi38 there is a SoCal lease transfer for white that just popped up (83 miles) in the forum, go get it quick!!! Good luck

Thanks chrisgo. Unfortunately socal is too far from me; otherwise, i would have gone directly to the socal dealerships. Nonetheless, bug thumbs up for looking out for a fellow hackr!

Okay the best deal I was able to do is 12k/36 months for 470+tax. White and black. Should I pull the trigger?

Only dmv fees and first month up front.

I heard the i3 backseat is too small for a rear facing car seat. Is that true?

Pull da trigger unless you can do the 396 lease transfer.

It can fit in an i3 but it depends on the size of the car seat. Front facing is not a problem at all.

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I got the car, dealer also convinced me to add in rim, wheel, tire, glass protection for $1,294 into the payments. Did everyone else get this or was it a mistake?