Got this deal for my friend last night who was leasing a 2015 Altima. He was 12k miles over his lease limit and his car value was not even close to his payoff… Roughly 5k in negative equity…
Ended up getting him a 2017 Chevy Malibu LT MSRP 29k for 285 with zero out of pocket for 39 months… I think it is a fairly good deal considering the negative lease equity and getting into a 30k car for 285 with not even first month due.
Thanks! I felt really good about this one because my friend was really bummed about his Altimas neg equity and how over he was on miles… He was worried he was going to have to buy a car he didnt like in the end of the lease and this way he doesnt have to now! He not only improved his car but also got out of his old one! Really was a win/win for him.
Will be helping another friend get into a Equinox tomorrow… Should be much easier!
Thanks to LeaseHackr i get these deals done before i even get to the dealer… Then its just a matter of bringing the dealer back to reality after they try to jack the rates up and what not
I can’t find the last paper we agreed on unfortunately. I only have some of the initial offers they came with but this might be useful to some. This is an offer without any negative equity.
MSRP: $26,895
Sell price: $24,500
MF: .00072
Term: 39 month
Monthly w/o tax: 144
Due at signing $1000.
The final deal we agreed on however was with zero due at signing and a payment of 285. His negative equity was about 4K with his remaining payments plus 12k over miles penalty.
We agreed to just get the dealer to cut us a check for 4200 dollars and the payment would be 285 zero down. The dealer then stepped up and asked if we could just trade in the car instead of return it to Nissan. We maybe could have made some money returning it to Nissan but my friend preferred to just not have to worry about the lease return process and possibly get dinged for tires etc…
That’s what I told him! He is really excited now for his next lease after this. He said he is going to be so glad to go in on an even slate. He got a job closer now so mileage shouldn’t be an issue. And if mileage is an issue we will let the Hackrs work their magic to get him out early
So really, the Asian conquest rebate cleared $3,000 of the inequity right off the bat. That is such an awesome incentive for people who qualify right now.