2017 Buick Envision Preferred (loaner and not loaner vehicle)

Just an update. I did pick up the loaner for my in laws. Last minute negotiations brought down the drive off on the loaner to $250. I then used $1000 of GM card money to lower it further.

The Simpson deal is very good. I think on a 12k payments should go up around $12 per month versus the 10k.

The Encore deal is crazy, with costco card it becomes around $85 per month + tax.

What was the breakdown on your $6600 in rebates? I can account for 3k in conquest and $350 from GMF, but not sure what the other $3250 is from. It may be a regional incentive I donā€™t have.

I donā€™t know. Sorry. Likely a regional NCal or CA incentive

So, being too lazy to look up RVs, Iā€™ll ballpark the 12k extra mileage charge at $15-20/month. Then the linked Simpson new-model deal is still better than the OPā€™s demo deal.

agreed. Itā€™s relatively close though. OP said he got the loaner for 250 down instead of 555, with an approximate lease of 217/month all in. Although he said he bought that down a bit with GM card dollars. Damn you Californians with your great deals. Itā€™s a bit harder in the northeast to replicate these.

I say the same thing about Michigan deals. From my point of view they get the best deals.

Thatā€™s because they all qualify for Employee deals up there.

I qualify for GM employee deals but I canā€™t get THOSE Michigan deals. I wish I could.