2017 BMW 740E xDrive 797 + tax. SOCAL

Over 5k miles

MSRP: $100,595
Selling Price: $69,991


Residual: 50%
MF: .00152
Mileage: 7,500 (818 for 10k)
Term: 36 months
Bank Fee: 925 (rolled)
Due at inception: first month + dmv

Payment: 797 + tax


Sign and drive? 202020202

OOps, forgot to include that, first month and dmv upfront. I’ll edit

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Why am I getting numbers much lower than these? This is a great deal, but I’m just trying to figure out where I went wrong with the calculator (click on Lease Calculator link):

@lakerholic Sale price is $69,991
We’re are you getting $67,300 from on your calculator

Oops! Sorry, I fixed it. New link below, but that still doesn’t add up… at 10k miles/year (lowest the calculator will go, and reducing the residual 1% to 49%), it’s still 783+ tax, not $818. These calculators are usually +/- a few dollars… maybe I’m just missing something. Maybe residual drops to 48% at 10k miles/year?

Just trying to get educated so I know what I’m doing when I negotiate :slight_smile:

The car has over 5k miles and you have to include a mileage penalty @ .25 cents a mile over 500. This car has 5200 miles

@Phantomcypher here is the deal you’ve been looking for

Ahh! Now that makes sense! Thanks! Was looking for an education and got it!

Great deal!

So this car is at Kuni in Portland, Oregon. I live here and I have been looking for a 750i x-drive (M-Sport) - Loaner would be fine - for about $850-1k/mo at 15k miles / yr. Find me that within the US and I will pay someone.

This car is in SoCal per @nyclife’s post. My guess is he using these pictures as representative so folks don’t try and cut him out of the deal by going to the dealer directly.

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ah. makes sense. thanks.

Is this car now gone?

Still Available. 20202020