2017 540i
MSRP- 67,480.00
Sale Price: 59,255.00
Doc fee- 699.00
GA Tax-4200 ( I know this sucks hate GA for this )
License fee: 95.00
Total: 64,249
Down payment : $2000.00
Balance : 62249.00
Your sale price is looking good, really good but why I don’t understand why your paying down payment?
Why don’t you pay the Acq + Doc + First Month + Tax etc…upfront? Don’t roll it into your monthly payment which will make it higher by increasing the interest rate.
What’s the money factor in this?
You should be more in 650’s somewhere - i’m just going off head without any calculation.
The key important detail your missing is the money factor.
BMW will also lower your money factor if you have corp discount.
Im just waiting for the day i can get the 540i for 650 or under a month with a msrp of 68,410 but Im surprised at the discount you got. i thought dealers wouldn’t budge as the car is new.
I just plug everything into lease calculator and this is what I got. Are you putting any MSD to lower the money factor?
Monthly Payment (Excl. Tax): $554
Monthly Payment (incl. tax): $604
Drive Off: $6,649
First month’s payment incl. tax: $604
Down payment: $0
Total MSD payment: $4,550
Registration and doc fee: $480
Tax on cap cost reduction and fees: $90
Acquisition fee: $925
Leasehackr Score: 10.2 years
Disposition Fee: $350
Total Lease Cost: $23,176
See once you start saying words like money factor, cap cost etc… Dealers start to get all scared because know there dealing with an educated buyer not some idiot.
Lol, yeah he put $4500 on MSD. Smart man. But the numbers are soooo good. Take it. Yeah the 540i is expensive right now. No incentives and higer rate than the e300. For power and drive experience, 540i no doubt. For comfort and bells and whistles, ill take e300 eventhough its a 4banger. It rides like the previous s class. I have the 535i and e350 and I got tired drive the 535 coz its to stiff for me now. I pick comfort now. Lol getting old.
i got a corp discount of 1500 for my wife workign for a company on their list, but i have been told there is not MF on an owners choice loan. Its the same as a lease but structured like a balloon but i can hand car in like a lease at the end.
Get a lease price as well. I never dealt with an owners choice but they might require GAP insurance since it’s purchased. FYI, you will still owe the car and when you return it, there’s a possibility of upside down on your loan.
lease is renting, owners choice is paying less monthly but you’re on the hook on the payoff option at the end.If by miracle you’re up then you win. But if not, you need to find a new loan to cover that. and yeah, you need to pay taxes upfront. I dunno GA that much, so do you need to pay the taxes upfront as well like NJ & TX when doing a lease?
An OwnersChoice contract is a simple interest balloon financing option that offers “lease-like” payments that can be advantageous to a customer when statutes make leasing costs prohibitive.
An OwnersChoice payment is separated into two parts: a fully amortizing amount financed for the expected difference between the initial amount financed and the future value of the vehicle (residual) and a balloon amount for the expected future value of the vehicle (residual). The customer has the option to set the balloon amount below the posted percentage, but the amount financed must be at least $1.00 higher than the balloon.
Please remember this must be approved by the credit department as it has a direct effect on the customer’s monthly payment. When the final payment (the balloon) is due on an Owners Choice contract, the customer has the following options:
Turn in the vehicle and pay $350 disposition fee and any wear/tear or over mileage charges.
Payoff the Balloon.
Refinance the balloon.
Pay the final payment and obtain a clear title.
I think, since you live in GA, this is a better option. you will pay taxes upfront anyways. Atleast if you like the car. you won’t be paying taxes at the end. Current rebates right now is USAA and AARP. And if you have a membership of BMWCCA. That’s the only I know.