Any suggestions? This is what they are currently offering in my area. Really trying to stay in the 600 range. Also was gonna do the 7 MSD’s.
Even at 15k miles, this is pretty bad
thats a terrible quote
I figured so. They are not budging on the numbers here. I have been shopping all around the Maryland area smh. Thanks for the input , and when I finally find something I will be sure to run it pass before I take it.
Did the Sales person hand you those numbers with a straight face? Because there is a boat payment hidden in there as well, his boat payment.
Lol, no he emailed it along with this other proposal. I don’t know why they are so aggressive with the 2017 5 series here. I haven’t received any decent numbers since they became available. I might just start looking for something else.
after reading your quote im thinking to become a Bmw Dealer, currenly im a lawyer(((((
I haven’t seen any 2017 offers or buyers on here. Kinda interested what they are looking like in other states. I’ll be fine with my 4 series until they finally come around.(which they will eventually)
Yeah, that’s ridiculous. Anticipated demand for a new model may be fueling the aspirational pricing you’re seeing. What did you tell the dealer?
My socal dealer came back with $3000 off MSRP right off the bat.
OP’s offer is pathetic. Marking up the MF just to discount it is insulting.
@ceecee1207, check this recent completed deal in Missouri $465/mo MSRP $61k
Yeah I seen this one. This is the old body style though. They are giving pretty good deals on those right now
I told him I could lease a Ghibli with those numbers and I would check elsewhere.
Lol - it’s the old body but it is half the price from your first post!
You mean you could lease two ghiblis with those numbers lol