2017 Audi A4 Quattro, Premium Season of Audi - thoughts?

Hey guys, been lurking for a few months, and have learned alot about leasing.

Looking at a new 2017 A4 Quattro Premium Season of Audi (I know there are cars that lease better than Audi.) Let me know what you think of this deal:

MSRP: $45,925
Savings: $5489
Incentive: $750 (Audi Loyalty)
Selling Price: 39,686 (12% off MSRP)

Tax: $1159.57 (Net of my trade)
Doc Fee: $599
Licence / Warranty / title: $47
Total Price $41,485.67

MF: .001
Residual: 58%
Term / Miles: 36 / 10k

PMT: $473.60 @ 1.03% of MSRP

Drive Off: $750 - I need to affirm what this is.

Seems really good for an Audi, any suggestions on where I can improve it?


With 10 MSDs ($500 x 10 = $5,000), your MF goes from 2.4% to 0.00050 1.2%

Is the MF on A4’s really that high? I almost leased an s3 earlier this month and the MF was 0.0004

Payment was $499/Mo on MSRP of 50.5k

Good point. They said its the base rate for A4, but I need to confirm.

I think the S4s they’re selling right now is the older body stye, which would justify the lower MF. I don’t think the new (2018) S4 is out yet?

Woops I mistyped S4. I meant S3… It was a 2017 S3. My bad.

And yes. You can drive a 2018 S4. They are just getting to dealers this week if Im not mistaken.