I negotiated a 10% discount over MSRP for a BMW 2017 750i xdrive
MSRP: 108895
Discounted price; 98036
Discounted price including Corporate fleet discount ( this is where i am still negotiating )
MF: .00120
Prefer to get it for zero down by around march 31st
3 years 30k miles
You should be able to get it less than $1000 with nothing down to make it a deal. Wait for 31st
What’s the MSRP of the car?
OP, I think you skipped too many details to provide any practical advice. Is the Corp fleet after the 10% or included? What’s the msrp? On another website, someone negotiated 17% (if I remember correctly) before applying the Corp fleet discount. Good luck.
I updated the post , added all relevant details
109k -updated the main post
How many miles per year?
10k per year and 3 years
NY dealers generally charge more than NJ dealers. Are you close enough to NJ to consider it instead? Otherwise I think you’re leaving up to $5,000 on the table.
I am speaking to NJ dealers - Springfield BMW
Yes i am on that forum, but the 19k-22k is for purchase and also Feb has 5k dealer cash offered by BMW and march they dont have.
I am hoping the end of 1st QUARTER sales targets can throw some aggresive deals.
That purchase price that you list for that other deal is over 20% off. You should be able to get to 17% off for your lease capitalized purchase price. Rough math.
Any suggestions which dealers in NJ are super aggressive? Springfield and circle bmw are offering around 10-12-% of msrp
Would it be okay to ask dealer to reduce 17-18% of the MSRP ?
Sorry, I just realized that I was saying % off when I instead was thinking of $ off. You should ask for $17k off. You should be looking for an ultimate sales price of between $92,000 and $94,000.
Oh thanks. I will try tomorrow and see what the dealers will say
Talk to Art youman at spring of BMW. They should take of 12% easy.