Picked up the car this morning.
This is a sign and drive numbers.
The full lease is 35 payments of $199 for 10k miles. I did get Wear and Tear protection for $599.
It’s not required but I decided to get it for myself. Without Wear and Tear the price was $185.
Here is the breakdown.
MSRP $19,870
Agreed Upon value of the car **$16,166**
Acquisition Fee $625
Wear and Tear $599 - I added this on my own choice and will.
Vehicle Theft Protection $198 - saw that only once I signed the contract. Not sure if I could have argued that away.
Gross Capitalized Cost $17,588
Cap Cost Reduction $330
Adjusted Cap Cost - $17,257
Residual - $10,531
Depreciation $6,726
Rent Charge $9.91
Base Payment $187
Sales Tax $11.88
Total Payment $199
Here is the breakdown of what was due at signing. I paid only $100 and the rest was covered by the $1,000 VW rebate.
Cap Cost Reduction $330
First Monthly Payment $199
Registration (CT state) $170
Doc Fee $339
Sales Tax $53
Greenhouse gas $5
CT Lemon Law $3
Hope this helps.
P.S. Even though I see some of the crap fee in here I know that at least 20 other dealerships around the area (same and other brands) could not come close to the original $185 sigh and drive deal.
Thanks LeashHackr and other members for the all info provided. It did help to secure this deal. Knowing other dealerships couldn’t beat or even believe it help rest my mind.