What is the 2016 MB S600 Maybach Residual 24/36 months 10k miles ?
Thank you in advance.
What is the 2016 MB S600 Maybach Residual 24/36 months 10k miles ?
Thank you in advance.
just wondering but if you can think about affording a Maybach, would you really care what the residual is?
That’s not what he’s asking. The car is extremely low volume so you’re best bet is to visit your local Mercedes dealership.
“If you have to ask the price … you can’t afford it” is a mentality brought by ones benefiting from capitalism. I like to get a broad knowledge of leasing vehicles from the cheapest to most expensive cars. If my theories are correct you could work at McDonald’s and lease a maybach. You could also be an executive and pay $600+ for a Camry if you’re not smart about it.
I have some of the most hits from my posts on this site and by being front page by learning the system and finding ways to benefit everyone on this forum. For example I leased a 2016 e class for less than most people get a Camry/accord for. I don’t mean to toot my own horn here just pointing out that all information is vital in building a bigger picture in how leasing is done on all vehicles.
@Phantomcypher I was hoping someone has this from a general dealer list I would like to have this info before going in to a dealer.
@phat There’s a method to the madness. Once I have MF & residual will post how.
Grabs popcorn and notepad- Time to get school’d. Thinks of Oprah’s lunacy- You get a Maybach and you get a Maybach, and everyone gets a Maybach!!!
Why is anyone dissing the OP for…being a hackr? Don’t know about you, but I’d never lease a car without knowing MF and RV. No matter how cheap or expensive.
My internal contact at Mercedes has moved on so I can’t ask him anymore. I would hit up Edmunds forums as they seem to still have the inside track on these things even with the higher models. I’ve seen them post residuals/MF for the S63 & S65 AMG in the past…
Post back with results!
I’m not sure where you are located but in NY the 17MY S600 Maybach RV/MF looks like this:
24mo 10k: 52% 0.0022
36mo 10k: 46% 0.0019
Not sure any good payments are going to come out of those numbers. Only the execs at McDonalds will leasing those!
MBFS programs are typically national, aren’t they?
I too am genuinely interested to see how these numbers are going to shake out where someone making min wage can lease one of the most expensive sedans ever produced.
I’m not seeing that being feasible. Minimum wage of $7.25/hour is $1160/month. Even with a generous discount, the Maybach S600 at $175,000 for 36/10k is still going to be over $3000/month. 80 hours per week at time and a half after 40 hours is $2900/month so I guess it would be possible if you had absolutely no other bills, didn’t pay for insurance on the car, didn’t buy gas for it, and didn’t mind starving to death.
Here are the confirmed numbers for S600 Maybach 2016 & 2017:
52% 24mo/10K MF 0.0021
46% 36mo/10K MF 0.0021
+1% for 7500miles/year
with a subject vehicle of MSRP of $204,000 and TruCar ranging from $142,000- $153,000 (minus $30,500 current fleet discount obtained by being a PENFED member or if you work at various large companies and $1000 Amex Platinum certificate). Add 10 MSD and autopay, looking at approx $480/mo and approx $7500 drive off (10 MSD included). HOWEVER, dealers are not stacking current fleet discounts with already discounted vehicles so the numbers are way off if they don’t honor the fleet discount.
With that said. This Hack is good not great. Only Mcdonalds managers and asst. managers can take advantage of this one if they can get dealers to use the fleet discount. I will try to get the minimum wagers a BUGATTI next month.
Even without the fleet discount it makes for a good lease all things considered. Huge discounts are always the best way to reduce payments. I do find the fleet discounts often don’t get matched with other rebates though.
30% discount that is something. So if i have fleet discount through AMA i get a maybach for 480. Wow sign me up.
I was concerned with the mileage not being enough per year, but at those prices, I may as well just get 2.
By fleet do you mean FEP?
Really interested to see what payments they quote you. I remember seeing a near 200k+ msrp S600 sitting with a huge poster for 150k when I was shopping for gle coupes. I believe it was the dealer in Roslyn, NY. Even without fleet discounts, they should lease well with such massive discounts