2016 Lexus RC F

Recently went in and got some initial figures on a 2016 Lexus RC F with Premium Package and All Weather Package.

Dealer told me the MSRP was 72k. They initially offered me a 36 month 10k lease with 5000 down for $1150. After about 5 minutes of talking we came down to $950/month and they claimed to have $68k in the car.

My credit score is 770.

I am going back in tomorrow to talk to them and may bring up items I’ve read on here that the residual should be ~58% and the MF 0.00090.

Thoughts/advice/guidance?!?!? Please help!!!

Here are the numbers for 2016 RC F, 36/10K, this month:

Residual: 57%
MF: .00135

It’s a bit difficult to figure out the market price on Lexus cars. Toyota has strict advertising rules (no below-invoice ads, for instance), and Lexus dealers don’t participate on TrueCar. Given these circumstances, you’ll probably want to pit dealer quotes against each other to see the lowest they’ll bear.

Best of luck! Lexus also offers a Multiple Security Deposit program to reduce the MF.


Those #s are spot on to what the dealer quoted me today.


Good evening Tyler! Are you by chance still in the market for a Lexus RC F? Please email me if you are… I have a 2015 and am looking to transfer out of my vehicle. Thanks!!!
