2016 Kia Optima EXw/Premium lease numbers. Are they good?


Can you help me please. Is this a good deal? 2016 Kia Optima EX with Premium Package

36 month/15K - $311 per month with $2500 down initially
Rate: 0.00067
Residual % - 55%
Residual amount - $16,300

Thanks much.

Hello, can someone please provide the numbers for this car in Florida?

36 months
12k miles
EX + premium package + remote start
Total MSRP: $29,965

Already have a working calculation but would like to walk into the dealer with solid MF and residuals. (By the way, how is it that you guys determine these numbers?)

I’m very interested of taking advantage of the $2,700 lease cash and getting a very well equipped sedan for under $250 all in.


2016 Kia Optima EX

36/12K: 57% residual, .00146 MF
$2,700 lease cash
Targeted: $400 Grad/Military