2016 BMW228i convertible MF and Residual

Can you post the MF and Residual for BMW228 convertible?

Initial offer was 555 a month with 4500 down based off of cap cost of 44,472 (MSRP 46,195). I didn’t even counter anything since I wanted to go drive other cars, but we are way apart on price. Trying to be around 400/month as advertised on the bmw website. Can you beat the advertised ‘special offers’ on the website?


MF. is .00138 – A Tier credit.

36 Months @ 10k Residual is 61%

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Pls post your zipcode?

Zip code:
Charlotte, NC

I would like to share my research info based on my recent lease deal in south FL. i hope you find this info useful.

  1. Always try to negotiate for the best Net Capital Cost (MSRP-Dealer Savings-BMW Incentives (Monthly promotion+College grad (if it is applicable)+Military+fleet discount etc)
  2. Residual (62% for 10k miles per year)
  3. Money Factor (std rate. 3.12). You can lower the rate by MSDs (7) + if any fleet discount

Based on Sonic pricing just to have an idea…

NCC: $42,037 (9.5% off of MSRP 46,195)

std rate (for 720+ credit score): 0.0013 (3.12%)
7 MSDs: (0.00049)
Final MF: 0.00081 (1.944%)

Residual: 46,195*0.61 = $28,178

Depreciation: $384 (42037-28178)/36

RentFee: $60 (46195+28178)*0.00081

Acquisition & Doc Fee: $45 (925+699/36) (please adjust doc fee of 699 as per your state…for e.g.in CA it is reglulated and no more than $85 i beleive where as in FL it is a min of $699 (rip off))

Total w/o tax: $489

SalesTax: $ (i am not sure…so please add tax)

Total Monthly Payment: $500+

Total due on delivery: $
(MSDs: 7*550 : 3850
Cashdown Tax :
FirstMonth :
Registration :
Misc. Fee :slight_smile:

I am not sure if $400 sign and drive is possible. Please think of MSDs instead of down payment. MSDs are refundable.

One more useful link since you are looking for ~$400…

$375+Tag+tTax+BankFee ($925…wild guess) can be rolled into monthly payment.

I have no ideas of MSRP and incl. packages for $375 monthly payment

David/Daniel are good and no nonsense team. Contact# (786) 565-5035

***I am neither affiliated to Evolution lease nor promoter of their business.

Good luck!

20% of MSRP + 0.00081 MF can get you $400 per month. Please consider to include Tire+rim warranty for $30/month in your lease (very useful if you notice potholes and hazardous debris where you usually drive).