MSRP: $44045
Sale Price: $39075 (includes doc price of $80)
Incentives: $1000 lease loyalty
Down Payment: $0
Residual: 61%
MF: .00177 (I think, based on my calculations…he wouldn’t tell me, which makes me mad)
7 MSDs at $500
Adj MF: .00128
Term: 36 Months
Thoughts? To me, the fact that he won’t tell me base money factor makes me irritated, but nevertheless, it seems high. I think discount wise he’s doing pretty good, but my intuition is that they’re marking up the MF substantially, because I’ve read on here that base money factor is somewhere around .00134.
With the lower money factor, I’d be sub $450 (maybe around $430?)
I just checked. There is $2k of rebate on the 2016 X1. So that discount is not very good at all. He is also wrong about the lease loyalty so you will lose that rebate when he tries to process your finance.
You should be getting 2k under invoice on that car imho.
Thanks for the info. I felt the same way. Just emailed him and asked for the correct information on this deal. There’s no reason he shouldn’t give that info to me.
Again, look at my post about getting a discount on a BMW. It will help. You should not go in asking for a deal. Go in with all the numbers and tell them the deal you will take the car at.
Just want to make sure I have my numbers right and that I’m understanding your spreadsheet correctly:
MSRP: $44045
Base Price: $35100 (from configurator)
Options: $9100 (from configurator…not sure if they’re the same between '16 and '17, but probably close)
Invoice (from your spreadsheet): $42690
So you’re saying that with the 2K rebate, plus your opinion that I should be getting ~2K under invoice on this car, that sale price should be ~$38690? Did I understand you correctly?
Actually, after re-reading your post, it seems like you’re saying that the sale price (in the terms we’re describing it in this conversation) should be ~$40690 (2K under invoice), and the total cap cost should be, $40690 - $2K rebate = $38690. Right?
Also note, my calculator is not 100% accurate but it is close enough that when you plug in the numbers to the calculator you will be within a few dollars.
Seems about right, now if they can get you that loyalty bonus then that is another $1000 and you will be below $400. (Although by all accounts that has gone, they are doing lease roll ups now)
I’ll also add here that if you are eligible for fleet pricing, you’ll be able to get a reduction in money factor of another .00020 (so if you have the base of .00134, it would drop to .00114) and an additional $1500.
What mileage are you looking at for the lease? My understanding right now is that 36/15 on a 2016 X1 would be 60% residual, 36/12 would be 62% and 36/10 would be 63%.
Someone else can correct me on the residuals if I am wrong.
Interesting. If those residuals are right, I can be sub 400 (looking like $391), not factoring in fleet. I’m not personally eligible for fleet, but my wife might be – will have to check into that. Even so, definitely curious about that residual.