2016 BMW 435i Gran Coupe

MSRP: $62,855

Selling Price: $50,300
36 months/10k miles residual: 61%
MF: .00095 with 7 refundable MSDs
Due on signing: $4,351 includes MSDs, registration, doc fee

Payment: $501.19 including tax

What do we think?

Money factor has been marked up it seems. You could get it below $500 which means your MSDs would be much less as well.

Ya, I tried to get them lower because they initially had me at .00167 and I knew that was marked up to heck. They said, verbatim, “the reason we can’t go buy rate on this is because we are losing $6,000 on this deal. But we can knock it down a tad to get the deal done @ .00144 and .00095 after MSDs”.

Funny thing is when I use all of their terms in the Calculator, I am getting a payment about $13/month cheaper than they are quoting me…but I can’t figure out where they are hiding it.

It is a good deal, but only below $500. Say you will do it for $499.

Seriously? For $2? :slight_smile:

It drops the MSDs down quite a bit, thus reducing drive off.

I see what you mean now. Makes sense.

I’m running into another issue with them on this…

They are telling me that the MSD amount is calculated BEFORE the MSD reduction. In this case, my payment is above $550 (10% tax :slight_smile:) before it goes down due to the MSDs. Thus, they are saying my MSD payment is $4,200 (600 x 7) rather than $3,850…or even $3,500 if I can get them below $500.

Anyone else had this issue before?

Is this offer valid till 1/3 only or until sold? Reason I am asking is to find out if this is an end of month/quarter/year special. The sales price on this is GREAT, MF not too bad and if you iron out the MSD issue, then go for it.

They are correct (if I am reading your problem right). The MSD amount is based on the original monthly payment, rounded up to the nearest $50. I put in $75 cap redution on one lease just to bring the payment down to $X99 and save myself $500 in extra MSD (Infiniti allows 10 msd).

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