‘20 Ram 1500 Big Horn V8 4X4 $44k @ $226/month


Wanted to share what I got yesterday, there was probably more meat to pick off the bones on dealer discount, but no other dealer came close to getting me $11,000 in rebates. I still cannot figure out how they got that much. I was under the impression that I was getting 7,500 and the discount was that much higher. Also, they made a lease payment of $221.65 on my behalf which is not in this calc. MF was a little high, but residual seemed better than any other place. Was willing to pay a little more for some options, but dealer did not want to discount those. They had a ton of these exact cars sitting, so they wanted to move on those.

I’ll have to eat one remaining payment of $221, and I was going to wait it out another month or two, but could not resist. Overall I’m very happy to have the same payment as before but with a better Ram.

How’d I do? Can’t think of many cars you can get that cheap.

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2020 Ram Big Horn Quad Cab 4x4 Hemi V8
MSRP: $43,425
Monthly Payment: $226.00
Drive-Off Amount: $1,583.13
Annual Mileage:7,500
MF: Forgot exact but was effective 4%
Residual: 59% - 25,709.25
Region: Long Island, NY
Leasehackr Score:14.7
Leasehackr Calculator Link: leasehackr.com/calculator?make=Ram&miles=7500&msd=0&msrp=43475&sales_price=39801.69&months=36&mf=.0017&dp=0&dealer_fee=81.47&acq_fee=995&taxed_inc=11000&untaxed_inc=0&rebate=0&resP=59.1&reg_fee=104&sales_tax=8.625&demo_mileage=0&memo=Put%20%241%2C583%20down%20for%20monthly%20payment%20of%20%24226.00&totalLeaseTax_radio=true


Seeing that kind of incentives would think IDL bonus cash was used to get to that. 7,500 miles seems really low, dont drive much?

I was on AutobyTel and the total IDL seemed to be only around 7,500. Maybe I screwed up what was stackable.

Luckily, I have 3 cars to myself and only a 15 mile round trip commute for work. I Just turned in my old truck in with 17,500 and that included a round trip from NY to Miami.

Can you say what bank this was thru?

Teachers Federal Credit Union - You need to reside on Long Island to be a member.

Which dealer was this through? I would love to replicate, I am on li. Did you approach dealer first and then go through tfcu?

Just PMd you, but for other interested it was Westbury Jeep. They have a ton of this base Big Horn in their inventory.

Who was the bank?

Teachers Federal Credit Union

Ok do note, this is for LI residents only. Not applicable for anyone else in the country

He did actually state that you had to be a member and reside in Long Island in previous post

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Oops missed it!! Just wanted to make it clear as I constantly get messages, can you replicate this etc…

Well, sorry to say I had the exact opposite experience as you … while Westbury was mildly less obnoxious than security in amityville, they still refuse to give the details on their advertised lease specials unless you go sit in “the chair” for hours. They have an advertised lease on a specific model and MSRP … they have many of them in stock … the question is “what is the total DAS tax dmv, etc… new plates and here is my zipcode” … absolutely refuse to give the info.

This sort of headache is why I will have no problem at all paying a $500 broker fee for the right deal … this dealer negotiation crap is torture.

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I also called Westbury Jeep about the deal and they asked me to come in. Once I was there, they were asking nearly $400 for the same deal. I was called something I won’t write here by the salesman as I was leaving. I killed the salesman with kindness and thank them for their time.

Fca dealers are just great, maybe the best

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Do state it. I called Westbury on a Durango deal and they said its for 7500 miles only and if I wanted 10k it would be 50 more a month. I said based on residual should be about 15 or 20 max. Saleswoman simply said nothing we can do this is how deals are structured. Pretty much shooed me over the phone. I dont know if I want a car but if I get something that is close to a unicorn I say why not.

Problem with Teachers or more likely Fusion Auto Finance they can be a pain. Look at their reviews online.

Sorry to hear everyone. I’m literally shocked…they pretty much were cut to the chase when I went in there.

I can’t understand how they didn’t want to work with you based on the advertisement on their website. Well, that’s what I thought at first when I saw it, but they did…pretty quickly. They wouldn’t give me any info over the phone; which no LI dealer has ever done that for me.

I’ve had exceptionally bad experiences at several other dealers on LI; same exact car but in the $400’s so I don’t know how my one off experience got less. I even got a quote from Koons, and was willing to go to VA, but it was in the 400’s, though It had more options.

Sorry guys, maybe I got that one-off perfect timing deal, but wouldn’t expect that mid month of January. They gave me that same BS that since I wasn’t putting down full DAS of TTL/fees that the deal was structured differently, but it still worked out for me.

I told the salesman as I was leaving that I would refer people to them since I had a good experience. Sorry that was the case. Still odd though.

This is what it all boils down to. There’s too many variables involved that might even be outside the control of salesman. Maybe the SM was in a good mood that day? No one knows :slight_smile: If this was a loser deal for them, there’s no guarantee they would want to do 1+ more of these unless they’re chasing a volume bonus, which might be tough in mid-January. That’s my best educated guess anyways.

Great deal OP, enjoy the truck!

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I found this offer using RODO app and I believe it’s from the same dealership based on distance. Out of pocket is way more. (7,500 miles is $213 a month) Congrats on your deal!

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At the end of the year I snagged a deal on a Big Horn 4x4 5.7 Night Edition LED Sunroof MSRP 53k with a drop in bedliner.

$336/month 12k/ year for 27 months
$150 for plate transfer (the only out of pocket I paid)