1lT manual lease

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What am I missing… you can just buy/finance a brand new 2022 V8 for ~37k + tax right?

Yes sir you are right. I need to learn a lot

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I have had 2 parking lot accidents and the car price just plummets and I have lost money because of that. Thought I could prevent that in a lease

Ask @CaliZ06 for a quote.
Chevy Vick - The Stevens Creek Original - $365/MO Camaro - LIMITED INVENTORY 408-755-6584 - #509 by CaliZ06?

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I think that requires a GSP Supplier Code though?

He can quote without supplier. Pricing will be higher though.

Makes sense, thanks!

Yes it needs a GSP supplier code.
is this something that can be shared with one family of friend after they lease a GM vehicle?

My understanding is you had to be an employee under GM umbrella but I could be wrong. It’s not a loyalty, its an employee discount.

Can be shared yes if you know someone. Some dealers give them away on deals if there’s a unit they want to move.

Yeah with the current market dealers are going to hold tight on to that. Best bet for me is to beg around for someone to share

There’s no reason to overpay for that possibility. Your lease payments probably exceed the cost of ownership with a bad carfax.

Plus you can claim diminished value depending on location etc.

There are two levels…

REAL employee (which is called GMS, for GM Stockholder) where one gets true employee pricing. This is the biggest discount.

SUPPLIER (which sometimes we all call GMS for short…but this confuses things since its not correct with the GM nomenclature which clearly calls GMS the above). GM Supplier can be obtained by those who work for a company which has a business relationship of some type with GM.

I posted this in another thread somewhere, but here’s an example for a Camaro.


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