16 yr old looking for first car, low miles lease

I just went down this path with my son. He commutes to work and college every day so I wanted him to have something reliable that was covered under warranty. Got him a 2019 Honda Civic with the Honda Sensing. 36 month lease and 12k miles. $217 a month. Put down a $600 trade in to help cover taxes and such. Insurance was tricky. Got quotes as high as $300 a month. Ended up going with Progressive for $175 a month which is doable for him right now. He’s a great kid who is very mature for his age. Glad he is now driving a nice reliable vehicle for the next three years.


Which Civic did he get? Nephew likes the Civic Sport, one step above base and is ok with the sedan or coupe.

He got the LX Sedan.

You may also want to look into excess wear and tear. i think in general people are against it here, but because this is the kids first car he is bound to get a few dings in it.

My $0.02 on excess wear/tear coverage is that if you get it for a kid’s first car, they’ll probably need it the rest of their life.

Again off topic but I think my dad is in the same boat as your dad, he has the pickup truck for work, the 04 e55(first “new” car he ever bought), his mclaren and the s63 is the family car, my mom rotates between the s63 and her navigator when she feels like it (nice car but too big to daily every day and park in a crowded hospital lot). I have a charger hc and use that most of the year unless it’s really wet or snowy in which case I use their 2005 honda pilot. Then if you include my brother who is also on the insurance and his e63 you are at 7 cars scattered through different corporations. So a car for each day is probably close haha.

Forgetting about the McLaren and the s63 due to their speciality status you are left with a 13 year old suv that costs about $110 a month a 15 year sports sedan @ 135 a month, a less than one year old luxury suv that costs $120 a month and somehow a newish 700 horsepower car that cost roughly $150, and a pickup truck @ $80 a month, I have no idea what kind of algorithms insurances run but I dont get how a brand new 70k pickup truck is less to insure than two 10+ year old vehicles one of which is worth less than 5k. At one point the pilot cost $70 a month probably between 6-7 years ago.

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what if you get it for peace of mind but don’t tell said teenager?

Josh picked a 2018 Mazda 3 HB Touring. $600 DAS including first mo payment, $275 month including 7% sales tax. He also liked the VW Jetta but no dealer seemed to even suggest leasing one for under $300 mo. Looked at Civic but mom has a 2017 Accord that has been in the shop a lot, and he said the Mazda drives a lot smoother and quieter.
Thank all

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