$1 dispute over car purchase price sparks 2-year legal battle between auto dealership

Right, and I agree with you. But like I said - if the guy didn’t seek some reason to squezee them out then he would have looked at the new contract first.


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Could it be that this is their lawyer they keep on retainer? Every dealer I have worked for has had some big name law firm on retainer. For everyday stuff, it is probably some low level paralegal or lawyer. The partners usually only show up to make public statements/court appearances.


Any corporation of any size I worked with only had enough in-house counsel to write letters and decide if the big guns on retainer were needed. Anything less from family business with an FTC complaint would be on the spectrum of malpractice-to-suicide.

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Yeah I’m not saying that Norm Reeves can’t afford big law counsel. Just that you don’t call them for a contract dispute over a CRV. That would be like hiring Johnnie Cochran (RIP) to contest a parking ticket. You call them, and pay them, when you have trouble with a class action, the FTC or the CA AG. My whole point is only that there is clearly something bigger going on since the dealership called in the heavy hitters rather than the normal collection attorneys they would send to court to get a repo order.

Of course. Makes no sense to have those lawyers in house. What would the specialist lawyers do the 90% of the time that they aren’t needed.


I know my people (we have a not so nice word for these kind of people). This guy is trying to squeeze the dealer. Story doesn’t add up. He’s also claiming since the registration went through, he doesn’t need to give the car back.

He’s seriously grasping at straws here. This is over a dollar. And don’t say it isn’t, he didn’t even engage with the dealer over the second contract. He dug his heels in because he thinks a clerical error merits the nuclear option.


And the expensive lawyer thing isn’t a thing. This is no longer about money, like you alluded to - this is about reputation - not a 30k CRV.


Reads like an article written by a failed journalism major. This is not a story of service members being preyed upon by pay day loan or other predatory loan practices.


Frankly, I am for anything that will put a check on sketchy dealer practices so, good luck Major Kim and thank you for your service.

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It’s a job not a service…and he is definitely taking advantage of this elevated status…so he get no sympathy from me. And if we are to thank people for doing their jobs we should start with first responders, doctors and teachers.


No need to prioritize or exclude a group. They are all appreciated.

As for this article, I am on the side of an officer of the United States Army over a dealership with a marked history.

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… whom you know nothing about.

What if it was this guy against a different dealership that has two bad Yelp reviews?


But frivolous lawsuits by the customer, regardless of their “status,” are ok?

Spoiler alert: The customer is NOT always right, despite what you hear. Likewise, not all service members are angels.

Lawsuit was filed by Norm Reeves Honda first. Maj Kim’s suit was a counter action.

This man is standing his ground based on principle. The car has 3k miles and it’s not being used. This is not about the money.

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Right. And I have some beautiful oceanfront property for sale in Arizona.

The car isn’t being used because they are afraid of the repo man.

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What if…really?

Until proven otherwise, he will have my benefit of doubt.

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I may be a little biased being in the military, but I don’t think this conversation is headed in a good direction.

I think the point is that it doesn’t really matter if the dude won the Medal of Honor or is a serial rapist. The way the story is written there doesn’t appear to be any actual case, but it seems that whoever wrote the story isn’t much of a journalist and we have to assume that there is something legitimate under the hood of this claim.