($1,474+Tax | $1, 587 Total DAS) Decent Pre-Owned NSX Lease?

U want A black one for about $1585 (excl tax) + transfer fees? Black. I have a $205K MSRP car that I might consider parting with. 12 months left, 15K miles allowed, ~8600 miles currently but overage is only $.20/mile. N. Cal.

I don’t think Acura leases are transferable.

Can be transferred but original lessee will still be on the hook for the lease as guarantor which is not ideal.

Where did you read that from? From everything I’ve read, AFS/HFS leases aren’t transferable.

I didn’t read anything. It’s information straight from the source. Before I sold my NSX last year, I called AFS to find out what my options were to get out of the lease. The NSX specialist listed three options with #1 being the only acceptable solution in my eyes. Feel free to call and verify yourself.

  1. sell the car
  2. voluntarily surrender the car with adverse credit consequences
  3. transfer the lease but I’d still be a guarantor