Trying to lease BMW 320i in Norcal. Please help!

BMW loaner car - 4.8K miles

Vehicle Price $41,910.00
AutoNation Savings - $9,133.00
AutoNation Price $32,777.00
Sales Tax (estimate) + $3,042.05
Documentation Fee + $80.00
Weight Fee + $24.00
Tag/Registration Fees (estimate) + $397.00
Electronic Filing + $30.00
Flat Add/County Fee + $22.00
Smog Abatement Fee + $20.00
Balance Due (estimate) $36,392.05

Rebates - 3K
$2000 Lease rebate and $1000 loyalty.

Cash Due - $2000 , 289 pm 24/10K
or Cash Due - $2500, 266PM , 24/10K

MF .00222 66% residual $26609.35

Please let know how it seems. Thanks!

Ask them to give you the base MF, then have them waive the acq fee for a .0005 MF increase. That will result in the cheapest payment.

How are you getting 66% residual? I got quote on 320xi, with about 4300 miles. I am being quoted 57.5% residual for 36months/10k. This is for indiana/michigan area.

I got quoted .00222 rate as well. Its our point of contention at moment. I asked for base rate, but not sure what the base MF is. I also asked about doing a 1 pay lease.

Look at the terms. 66% RV is for 24/10k.

Sorry I didn’t catch that. I asked the dealer for a 2 year lease, he said all the rebates were not applicable for 24 month lease. Based on your quote, find that hard to believe.

@Jon I asked for the base mf and was told the company would not allow them to sell at buy rate. Though he reduced the payment little.

Right now I am getting 2.5K down, 246PM including tax

They can sell at buy rate that’s a load of crap i would move on.

go to southern california. The MF is bs if you’re tier 1 credit