Questions regarding Federal and CA EV credit


Had a few questions regarding the EV credits. I was under the impression if the vehicle is purchased, you get the full federal credit but if the vehicle is leased, you get partial credit since the title holder would get it and amortize it based on the leased amount.

I was looking at BMWs 330e and 530e and it seems that for leasing, they are not taking the credit into account, even though the cars are listed for credit under the federal program.

Similarly, how would the CA credit work? I thought leases over 30 months qualified for CA credits directly.

Some manufacturers don’t pass on the credit directly to the customer. Toyota for example doesn’t.

That is not true. The bank gets the entire credit and can pass none/some/all on via an incentive if they want.

so if you purchase you get it but if you lease you don’t?

Pretty much