Off Topic Landfill

Because some of the forum members jump to conclusions and will shout DrHowe down about him having unreasonable expectations being the reason you’re not responding. Hopefully my comment and this comment, which should be put in the landfill, avoids the peanut gallery from chiming in. As for you mp1477, you’re the prime culprit appearing to be a wannabe trusted hackr by writing stuff everywhere. Why does ursus (that autocorrects to jesus…) need you to notify him to move it? He’s on here all the time and can read… Some of what you write is useful but the majority is just banter.

If you knew it was going to be put in the landfill. Why would you post it?

I mean, the pot calling the kettle right here. Especially when @mp11477 is right, this is a review thread.


Because he can’t be everywhere, at every time. Do you honestly think he sits at his desk and reads every post at all hours of the day?

Appreciate your feedback

I apologize for doing my part in helping keep the community here on track.

I’m done now, and won’t reply back. This is all going to be chucked.

And thanks to you will only be chucked by ursus because you let him know. Please chuck this too ursus (there, did my part!)

Maybe brokers ask us privately to remove some of the garbage from their review threads, or provide our input when things get heated in their review threads? How about that? So, mind your business and we will mind ours.

Will let it sit here for a while and then move to Landfill.

thats cheap as sh** –

Seriously that’s the best deal I’ve seen in a long time. Completely blows the pants off those Terrain deals. Hopefully he shares the breakdown!

wow i would have gotten two haha

The 3k PCO led to some outstanding lease deals on XLT/XL (STX) in regions which already had generous incentives on those trims. In my region those deals would have been 2-3k worse due to lower incentives.

Exactly. Some regions had a bit more incentives, we had $3550 here in the midwest.

Again, before anyone calls up their ford dealership, this was done with June programs (which ran until 7/9) and dependent on the PCO offer.

Below is the general structure - we were moving quick (about 3:30 Monday afternoon) - I roughed out the payment to be about $180/mo. Dealer’s quote was for $210 (marked up MF?). After some back and forth, they agreed to do it for $180.

MSRP: 42,305
Dealer discount: 6,840 (16%, loaner w/ 3500 miles)
Ford PCO: 3,000
Incentives: 3,550
Cap: 28,915

MF: .0001
Residual: 62%

$0 drive off, $181/mo (23 payments) including tax (upfront here in MN)


i really wish i got one of those F150s, such a low price and its always nice to have a pickup in the fleet.

Can you share the deals on the rebate? you were able to get the sell price down from MSRP? or does the include the rebate? thank you

That deal is pretty bad… it’s over $650 a month… why even ask for details lol

$528 a month…am i reading this wrong?

He put down $2,700 + tax + doc and probably other small fees. I’m guessing over $4k… roll everything in it’s about $650 maybe a little less.

so what’s a reasonable monthly payment for this deal? 1% MSRP? 580?

I think we are not really supposed to talk deals here.

Butttt… I m guessing 1% or less should be your goal on this car. People are getting a little under 1% on lexus suvs. You should be able to do better on a slow seller like this (when the time is right). If it’s over 1% I feel like the this car isn’t ripe yet…

I put $2700 down to obtain the $528 per month lease payment. The discounted the MSRP and the $4k was Lexus Northeast Lease cash. I feel it’s a good deal at $528 per month and $2700 down

$650 is more than $528, not sure how that is bad but I could be wrong. Apologies for not spelling out my deal clearly, looking at it now, I was not clear in my breakdown.

Are you a prick to everyone or did I personally offend you? Given that the original post said nothing particularly incendiary, I’m going to assume the former.