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Knowing Porsche’s and how they lease I think this is probably one of the best deals I have ever seen on here

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Just about to sign a deal to buy ‘18 GLS550. Deal is
MSRP 98850
Price 86245
1.99 rate for 60-72 months

This website is such an asset. My question is; is the tire or maintaince plan worth it? Wife and I plan to keep for 10 years or so. It’s going to be our Club Volleyball travel vehicle for girls qualifiers. Lol.

Let me know if any of the “add ons “ are actually worth it. My typically response is no to anything the finance guy is selling.


Open your thread or post in the existing GLS. Has nothing to do with GLE deal.

How do you get the EV tax credits if it’s a lease and the vehicle isn’t in your name?

From what I read, you can claim the Texas one on a Leased vehicle…

The federal one I’ll have to check when I do my taxes because it says that you can claim it on a leased vehicle but the financial institution can claim it… I know someone that received both last year but we’ll see…

No, you cannot claim the Federal Tax EV Tax credit of $7500 on a leased vehicle. Simple google search will find you the answer. The leasing company claims it and it is up to them if it gets passed to you via a lease incentive.

Thank you, had a client that said they were able to claim it so I was going to check when I file taxes but as we all know, people lie…

Man so technically 10k for one pay lease? What was sales price and stuff? Or 7500 after ev credit i guess. Awesome deal man. Enjoy it. Very unique car.

Ended up getting 11.4k for my Trade… 64680 sell price minus 13.5 in rebates… 41380 RV

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Hi @nyclife - Sent you a email for help with RX350 last week. Are you around to help?


@nyclife also sent an e-mail. No response yet.

Spam removed…

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