Off Topic Landfill

Nothing funny about your post. You’re sick.

Keep your personal attacks to yourself.

You should try taking your own advice. To wit…

UrsusTrusted Hackr
Reasoning with 3.7" works like with a 2 years old.

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Can you please be so kind and help me? I am looking for the exact same deal.
Anything can help.
How much did you negotiate the SALE PRICE of the SUV?
How did you do to get the incentives?

I live in Queens NY.

Thank you in advance,

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PM him directly…

I find that last line so pathetic. “No complaints from actual corvette drivers.”

Are you surprised??? Corvette buyers aren’t buying that car because of the “deal” they got. They’re happy because they got their corvette they wanted. Other than some noob, no one on here is putting a 4500 down payment on a sub 100K car. If they are I need to tell them about my awesome cloud insurance I offer…

Great car, but for this audience…nope!


Thank you for your input. When I post my offer I will gladly answer any questions related to my lease offer.

Basically the same car, $4k cheaper. Even after shipping, this is still nearly $3k cheaper than your offer.

Please stop advertising for another dealership in NJ on my California post. You can message me directly If your trying to purchase a similar vehicle.

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He’s not advertising. He’s just showing an easy example of why your deal sucks.


I have a guy driving around Yorba Linda in a similar ZO6 that he signed a similar lease offer on last month. I’m posting my best offers based on Southern California. I do have OC CA in the header. This post is in the Marketplace not ask the hacks section. Please respect the time and effort I offer this forum. Any more questions about this offer please contact me direct. Thank you for your participation.

Pro tip- if you really needed to sell it, you’d make the deal market competitive.


There is absolutely zero reason to post a competitors ad here, let alone from another region (and at least when I was growing up near Philly, a well known schlock operation at that).

The market will speak and let @SOCALChevyPro know whether he needs to do better.

Uh, that schlock operation you’re referencing is the #1 corvette dealer in the nation that also happens to ship nationally. And considering I’m in the market, my opinion that he needs to do better is also valid.

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see also:,Z06+2LZ,Z06+3LZ&cs:e=g&cs:gn=s&cs:cid=284311690546&cs:kw=%2Bcorvette%20%2Bz06%20%2Bleasing&cs:p=&cs:tv=3514&cs:a=mf_corvette_retention_search&cs:pro=chvcorvnwc&cs:ki=1410215472&gclid=CjwKCAjwqarbBRBtEiwArlfEIIlcYS1sfzPht3b2vpjJUJoEL5kNuZuQrZUNo6sHQfTJKZl1Vmn6bxoC2-kQAvD_BwE#close

It is valid. And if the deal is so much better, you should purchase from them and let your actions speak for themselves by posting your better deal in the trophy garage. Or, if you want to see if it can be matched to save you the hassle of shipping, send a private message and give the opportunity.

Seems very simple.

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I intentionally choose not to take things to PM. If he’s willing to be market competitive, I’d be happy to give a LH member my business. Asking for the sales price that he conveniently left out of OP benefits everyone in market. Telling him, publicly, he’s not competitive and backing the claim with proof forces his hand to either step up or not. Him choosing to step up or not also benefits everyone in market as it forces competitive pricing. This is LH, after all, and is quite literally the purpose of this forum.

Seems very simple.


Okay. 20202020202020

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Play nice, everyone.

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It’s crazy that on a leasing forum, which is supposed to be pro-customer, he is getting crap for saying there are better deals. There are better deals. I am shocked he is not able to give his very valid opinion. This is buyer vs dealer on a lease, the whole point of “hacking” a lease. Get the best deal and beat the dealer.