Off Topic Landfill 2

Haha, yeah-try that…they check the tax return, also EV Rebate is for everyone that makes $150K or below …low income gets an extra $2500 added to the $2000 for EV so $4500 rebate from CVRP or $7000 for a Fuel Cell, reason is because lower income can’t afford the extra cost but still want to help the environment so they get grants, rebate programs etc CVAP gets you another $5000 for single person up to $51K income

Edit: You can claim all people that live in the same household, but you need to prove that they live there

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I don’t think it should be a problem as the rules state that you need to do at least $1,000 towards the purchase-so to them it doesn’t matter how the vehicle is paid after the grant, loan or cash

*Edit: Here’s the link from their page…

$244 Chevy Bolt EV is even better :smile:

Per the contract on my Bolt, I would speculate that at $5200 dealer discount, the dealer is still making $500 plus holdback. Any idea what the holdback is on a Bolt?

It’s probably 3% but at $5200 there wouldn’t be any holdback left. On a $40000 Bolt that’s 13%, that’s probably a loser already

Going through the thread I see the MSRP is $38~, $5200 is super aggressive, not sure how you think there’s any money left, definitely a loser or secret coupons being used if there’s any around

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“Honda dealer $8k as trade in” LOL!
Speaking of Honda dealers, I submitted a lease quote request to a local dealer for Accord sport 1.5T, they want $420 a month with only first payment DAS! They followed up the next day I didnt even bother to respond.

We look forward to it !

@JLS @NurseAl

What were the Final numbers/deal on this Sonata?

Curious, that’s all…

Looks great.

what did you get it for?

is the manual m4 still available? Thanks
sent you pm.

what’s the deposit required to order a new one?

Will you be updating your Mazda deals on the spreadsheet this month?

This is random but I saw a Porsche tab in your deals sheet and I CANT WAIT


Sent you a PM about Velar.

Whats the difference on that Premium AWD CX30 deal WITHOUT the 9 MSDs?

24mo 12k, I would want to do zero down

Is the $1500 for returning a mazda a NJ thing? I haven’t seen any sign on that from MD dealers.

side note: I don’t fully understand why they offer MSDs when they’re fully refundable- I guess the only way you lose them is failure to pay the lease?

I am interested and willing to close a deal on Mazda CX-5 Touring $239/mo with $1999+ 1 MSD.

How much is the MSD?

How long it can take once we start the process to get the car deliver.

Thank you,

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Sending a PM

I sent you a PM. Looking for CX-5 Touring with base or preffered package. I would be looking at 36/10k with $0 down and based in NY/Long Island.

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Clicked the spreadsheet and got Volvo numbers? Am I doing something wrong?

On the bottom of the spreadsheet there are tabs to select between different manufacturers.