Continuing the discussion from About the Ask the Hackrs Category:
I’m in Texas and currently have a GL450. My lease is up in April and I am looking to move to a CLS550 or S550- any offers. This was my first lease and my payment was through the roof.
well you should know the CLS is getting redesigned and will come out Fall 2018, but if you love the current design, probably some good deals out there.
Mercedes does MSD’s so that should help also in general.
Great info- thank you! I have no clue what MSD’s are.
MSD - multiple security deposit
It is to lower your interest rate (money factor)
Example: MF of 0.001 is 2.4% APR (take MF times 2400). But doing MSD’s may lower that. I think Mercedes does a max of 10 deposits (10 monthly lease payments up front as deposit, then you get it back at the end of the lease). It can lower the rate sometimes by even 50%