How this deal looks like AUDI Q5

No you don’t need to spend those maintenance costs at all. That’s ridiculous. Especially if you don’t drive often, no world where you spend that much in maintenance on a new Audi unless you truly drive that thing for its 36k allowance. And the first maintenance is free on Audi for everybody.

good point. the audi care fee needs to be plugged in somewhere on the agreement, i didn’t think about that.
although technically would that go on the sale price, not msrp? it wouldn’t affect the payment as you said, just thinking out loud here because my ocd cannot stop itself :):roll_eyes:

Anything that gets capitalized (ie gets added to the cap cost) adds to your payment.

Bumping the RV by 1% is a way for Audi to incentivize buying Audicare and one can argue it becomes a good deal for maintenance, but that’s a separate argument.

thanks for pitching in; agreed. it makes a lot of sense.

So one NorCal dealership is sending me this: How is possible difference between 7.5 and 10K only $5?

This is what I will do on this $53,850 Q5


$2100 down

with Audi Crae



3yr/7500 miles

$2100 down

with Audi Care


Tax rate I am using is 8.25%

Which mileage allowance do you need?

10 K most likely is what I need

It’s not. The drop in miles is going to raise RV by at least 1%, which is approximately, $538 or $15~ per month less.