2019 C43 sedan 10/36 59% RV 0.00134 MF

so after one day with the car I can say its the best 740/mo I spent. Worth every penny of it. Car is a machine, has two personalities can be driven like a normal benz or flick some switches and boom full blown AMG. If you say otherwise you’re a hater or haven’t driven one. Highly suggest going and looking at one.

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Good to hear you’re enjoying it!

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Nothing against them at all. I think they are very nice vehicles. They just haven’t caught benz in the interior category yet and that’s huge cause that’s where you drive the car from lmao. Maybe one day though.

It’s all that’s important to you that matters. Some would rather have the faster car.

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Had an 07 M6 V-10 and it was the best looking car i ever owned, but man it was in the shop ALL the time. Probably just got a lemon, but it had electrical problems they could never find the issue. That and add in the service around NYC Tristate was terrible made me swear off getting one. Shame bc their exterior designs are Great!! Agree the Benz interior is much better esp with the two screens!!

That’s fascinating but you can use the Off-Ramp to debate BMW vs Benz or anything else not related to leasing.

Damn that’s a shame bro car sounded really fun while you could drive it lol… no doubt beamers look great, no ones denying that!

Agreed man.