2018 Audi A6 Discounts...?

New to leases I got this from a local nyc dealer not out of Audi

Is this good? Should I take it?

Nah I think you could hammer them for more – low $400’s — A forum member got a S6 for ~$500

Wait what? Lol really?

It was a demo, there was an extra incentive because it was on the lot for so long, he used MSD and I think made a small cap reduction.

It’s an insane deal, but not one that should be used as a baseline for other deals (unless it’s a loaner with extra trunk money).

I just checked it. Good deal but maybe a6 will be a bit cheaper :man_shrugging:t4:

Actually I just looked back at the deal, he made a decent size cap reduction in addition to standard drive off and MSD.

Please nobody think a $500/mo S6 is the baseline for any of these leftover audi’s. You’ll never end up getting a car if that’s your expectation.

Got a ping back from a So Cal Audi dealer and he said the A6 only gets $10K off from Audi.
He said the S6 gets $15K off.
Anyone confirm ?

Go on Edmunds to confirm. Yes, that’s correct

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@anon46843959 I thought you were going to see my Volvo contact this weekend?

Still am but got to keep options open!

I got an update from the dealer with $1500 DAS For $499 a month. I asked for a full break down of what all that consist of. I think it’s about $50-60 off a month if $1500 includes fees, doc fees and such up front. This is for a 2.0T Sport

Haha not bad man! Totally agree re options!

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$499 monthly is great.

About 15% off MSRP is that about what you can expect ?

Are there any hidden dealer incentives or rebates Audi has given the dealer ??

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With 5500 das which included a large ccr as drive offs are only 1400 ish… so effective payment was in the mid 600s

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I think this is accurate. Check Edmunds or Costco auto

Welp, @nyclife was def right lol. I shoulda had my friend get an A6 instead of an A4 a few weeks ago… comes to a similar monthly payment! (He’s still thrilled with the car tho… even tho someone rear ended him last week lol)

Funny, my buddy got an A4 recently and he is now kicking himself because of the A6 deal going on in the past few weeks.

If he had waited a few weeks, he could have paid about the same for an A6.
His A4 is $600 / month.

picked up my a6 p+ comp. 2300 das 12k/36
660 tax included monthly. went with a broker friend.
ran the numbers and got ~17% discount.

did a cap reduction i stead of audi care since i might buy it end of lease.

Well if you don’t need the A6 space, but still want an Audi, the A4 is a better bet because you get the tech that comes with it. I wouldn’t beat yourself up over it