2017 C300 Leasing question

I am looking to lease a MB C300 for 36months / 12K miles per year.

So, the dealer offers me
C300 2017 Sedan

After his discount $38,513
And after corporate fleet discount ($2000) = $36,513.

But his MF is 0.00224 and RV 60%.

He is ready to reduce the MF to 0.00174 w/ auto pay.

Please help me with this.

State: California
City: San Jose

Did you compare to the other C300 deals?

There aren’t many C300 deals recently. I did read 2016/2017 mb c300 but that was in December 2016.

Also, What is “BUY RATE MF”?

When I sent him links to Edmunds and this forum. He says that “BUY RATE” MF is 0.00124 and LEASING MF is 0.00224 ??

I am confused.

Buyrate is the lowest MF available on a lease (i.e. top tier credit and no MF markup).

If confirmed that buyrate MF is .00124 find a dealer who will give you that without any games

Use MSD and autopay.

You should be paying .00124. Discount is awful too. Dealer would make a fortune off that deal. For M-B, best deals are usually about 15% discount from MSRP with base MF (buy rate) and base acquisition fee ($795). Dealer is trying to work you over.

Check the wiki and/or ask @Alex and others for a Cali M-B dealer recommendation.

Yeah. I am looking for such a deal. Thanks. I am not proceeding forward with this dealer.

Thank you @max_g

I needed some help here. Because every dealer I call would give me these figures

I know. Thank god I know lease calculations and this forum; So I somehow knew those numbers were high.

I shall make note of that (discount and acquisition fee). Thanks :slight_smile:

@Alex could you help me out here?

@kushwiz, C300 is a volume car. This should be an easy one. Email dealers asking for an adjusted cap cost on that car of $37,500 ((.85*MSRP) + 795 acq fee)) and base mf of 0.00044 (after autopay and max 10 MSDs) and base acq fee ($795). This formula should yield a payment of around $375 (depending on your particular sales tax rate), which is about right for a $43k C300. I doubt you will have an issue – dealers need to sell a bunch of those C300s to meet volume targets. You may have to wait until the end of the month, but lay the foundation now. Also, see if you qualify for any discounts (fleet, etc.) Fleet in particular is worth $2,000 and would reduce your payment a further $50 or so. Also, consider the pre-paid maintenance as it is residualized and will only increase your payments a few bucks.


Thank you Jason.

I will follow this. Also, is there a new graduate discount on MSRP that could stack up with all this??
The dealer i am talking to is avoiding it.

Not sure but fleet is available through a number of professional organizations (ABA, AMA, AICPA, etc.)

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Sorry guys- I’m rushing a project due Monday. Which dealers have you looked at already? And are you willing to cruise down to Laguna Niguel if you score a better deal?

I am not sure, that seems to be really far from here :smiley:

This was probably the first quote. I am waiting on others.

I’m also looking at c300, so far the best mf I got is .00144 (before autopay or msd). How do ppl negotiate to get better mf? Once I asked to have them lower mf, they dont response back.

I have sent the exact figures to two dealers now and no response from them :slight_smile:
Seems like Feb end would be ideal ! :smiley:

Do not pay a marked up MF, use base MF and bring it down as much as you can with security deposits and autopay. With 0.00174, you will be paying more than 130$/month as interest on your lease. My recent C300 experience is shared here:


Well, no dealer is ready for 15% discount on MSRP :slight_smile:

When would be the right time to start my leasing transaction for a good deal? February end or March end?

I could bargain on the MF because they are established figures.