Okay, here we go…
MSRP = 90715.00
Gross Cap = 86574.00 + 2092.00 + 3335.27 = 92001.27
CCR = 18000.00 + 8000.00 = 26000.00
Adj. Cap = 92001.27 - 26000.00 = 66001.27
RV = 60% x 90715.00 - 562.50 = 53866.50 (mileage adjustment)
MF = .00356
Payment = .00356 x (66001.27 + 53866.50) + (66001.27 + 53866.50)/36 = 763.81
Sales Tax = 3335.27
This means that there is a total of 3335.27/.07 = 47646.71 worth of taxable items. I thought that VA levies sales tax on the selling price plus fees. The SP = 86574.00. I tried to compute the tax every which way to midnight and was unable to get 3335.27.The closest I’ve gotten is…
7% x (38134.77 + 8000 + 2092) = 3375.87 where 38134.77 reflects the depreciation.
So, I have no idea what they’re doing in that regard. I would get a breakdown of the 2092 fees as well as a breakdown of the taxes.