Wife wants "Hot mom car", Advice needed due to average credit

A hot mom driving it?


I’ve tried time after time after time again and she outright refuses. My wife is one of those types, she will buy second hand clothing, generic groceries, second hand designer clothes on poshmark/let go, etc…

But when it comes to cars, it has to be brand spanking new.

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Pics or lies? LOL


This also depends on if you have kids in car seats. Car Seats take up a lot of room so you don’t want your wife to complain there is no room like my wife does with our 1 kid. lol

SQ5 would be a good choice too

I get that you can. Doesn’t mean it’s smart. $7-10k down plus $1,000/m for a car like an X5 that sells for high 60s/low 70s

That’s a terrible price:rent ratio. The kind you see at rent-a-center.

Being smart with your purchases is just as important as being smart with your investments


Not trying to be disrespectful but It sounds like she needs a dose of reality in that regard or you’ll run a much higher risk of ending up right where you started when it comes to debt. If you’re credit challenged at the moment, leasing can be painful since interest rates are so much higher. Wait until you’re 720 or above (hopefully no Auto related black marks or red flags on your report) and then revisit the matter if you can. Otherwise pay cash for a new car or used car, though I’d probably caution against doing that with a brand new Land Rover or BMW, it’s just lighting money on fire. Leasing is the best bet on those, or letting someone else take the depreciation hit before you.


We have 1 kid and he’s in a booster atm, not an issue. He’s tall for his age and he’s just using a generic seat booster, nothing fancy.

I have 15+ years of auto loan history with 0 missed payments, 0 repos, 0 everything pretty much from the time I was 25 and got my first actual vehicle.

Your wife sounds awful. Take her to the Maserati dealer and check out the Grecale.


Shes not, she’s a healthcare provider and I would say we’re pretty successful. We own our own home with a low APR, both have successful careers. The problem is she grew up in a house where Dad made a lot of money and spoiled all his daughters. Plus she also grew up watching her Dad trading cars every 6 months because back in the 80’s and 90’s he could get away with that. Her Mom and Dad lost everything in the housing crash and never told us. When they both died within a year of each other that’s when I learned the truth about their finances. The lesson I learned is always have that emergency fund and don’t put all your eggs in one investment basket.

My wife’s thing has always been she just wants that new car.

Bravo to OP for ninja edit on title.


I was just kidding about that but she should still check out the Grecale though, I think it leases a bit better than the X5, which is not saying much because the X5 is pretty bad, and I wonder if Stellantis financial might be a bit more relaxed on the credit requirements.

Do the sisters drive hot mom cars as well? Need to make sure you keep in their good graces as well.


If I’m not mistaken Chase does Maserati’s financing, not CCAP or SFS.

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VCFS does not have tiers for leases. You are either approved or not

Then an S60 might work for the OP

Nope they made bad life choices, and my wife is the only successful out of the three. We cut both sisters out of our lives because they always begged us for money in the past and burned us.

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I mentioned this to her and the first thing out of her mouth was “XC60??”

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Yes indeed.

Where is my guy @Dany1122

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