Why Don't I see any Ford Lease Deals

Question why don’t we see many (any really) Ford lease deals? I like the Bronco and Mach E but the lease numbers at least at Ford.com are terrible.

Supply is low and demand is high makes for crappy lease deals.

Now is a very unusual time. Consider postponing your lease/purchase decision

In fairness, it’s been almost a week since someone asked


Ford has been hit harder with the chip shortage than other OEMs. That makes what you posted even more true now. Ford production is way off what it could be in better times.

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My current lease has to be returned 9/1 maybe I can extend a month or two but will have to get something fairly soon… uggg

Thank you for explaining…

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Sorta worried things will still be shite when the Mav and Lightening come out.

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