Why do some dealers want a large down payment sometimes?

That’s pretty old school, nowadays the desk submits deals before finance (depending on the store but 95% operate this way). Playing with rate to stuff product is very illegal. Most don’t realize how regulated automotive negotiation is. It’s pretty easy to get reported and lose your license if you do something stupid / non-compliant.

There are ways to do it, but the idea of losing my license and career isn’t worth the higher gross average that comes from being kinky. There are stores notorious for being extremely dirty to the point they have legal staff onsite, such as a certain unnamed domestic store in my close vicinity that has a per copy average in excess of $10,000.

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In my store, desk just pencils, they rarely submit unless they are credit-challenged

Ya that is more of Van Tuyl thing. Your stores are stuck in the 1990s.

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Wow… Okay, gotta blow the brother out like that, huh?

Well it still goes on, maybe not so much in Cali. Stupid/uniformed people are still getting ripped every day. The plus being this allows for unicorns to be born!

excuse me, that’s pronounced Tee-Arr-Dee.


Shots fired…

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Same here. The desk might pre-load the info, but it is the FI manager is actually submitting credit app in most circumstances. I can’t think of any dealer I worked at where the desk regularly submitted deals.

Maybe it’s just a California thing lol

I’ve never worked for a store where finance submits.

Gotta remember, Desk does more than Finance does

True, but there’s no reason the desk can’t do it. I desk 140 deals a month on average and I submit every single one.

You are doing way too much.
Sometimes when the Desk and Finance is way too swamped at the previous store, I do it to help them, but I don’t get in their way