White Sticker, CVRP money

It appears CVRP money will come back, basically the same as now except less money for the low income and same 150/300K income limit.

The white sticker is interesting. It appears the current cars will sunset in 1-2019, but if you purchase between 1-17 and 1-19, you will get one that expires in 2022. Lastly if you buy after 2019, you will get one that sunset in about 4 years. Also now there is an income cap of 150/300 on the sticker too unless you purchase before 1-2018

I think I read the stupid laws correctly, it’s complicated

Oh. The income cap was confusing.

So there’s no income cap until 1/1/18?

Are you referring to the sticker or CVRP rebate?

Only change for CVRP is the low income limit. The regular rebate has the same income limit as before

For the sticker, there were no income limits before. I guess there will be now, which is dumb.

The income limit is silly, basically you can’t get the sticker if you have had the CVRP rebate unless you are below the $300K limit that you need to be to get the CVRP rebate anyway!

Less money for low income? How much is it now? couldn’t find that info on their website.


I read it as if you are above 150/300 - you cannot get a sticker if you got a CVRP.

You can’t get CVRP if you are over 150/300K…