What's a good X5 competitor for under $900/month lease?

I have been leasing BMW X5 for many years, at one point I leased Q7 and it has always been $700-$800 range so now with the latest increase, I can understand prices are up. I was doing $70k msrp for about $800-$850. Now, similar build goes up to 76-77k even with missing features, for example they totally removed air suspension.
I am trying to figure what’s best I can get for max $900 with only 1st month/bank/daler/dmv fees, taxes built in, i am in New York State.

Sorry if this is a broad question, please let me know if I need to add more info or narrow it down more?

I checked GLE for example, has worse MF but a little better RV, but probably not as aggressive discount.
I lease BMW now so I qualify for any loyalty.

maybe @IAC_Scott has a demo x5 for you :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Thanks,I’ll ask in that thread. I am in NY so no MSDs here, and I prefer PHEV vs EV due to my driving habits and charger capacity/availability. No PHEV/EV Conquest either.

Don’t mind if that Demo is X5M :slight_smile:

lol that ain’t happening :crazy_face:

You could check out the xc90 recharge

I almost leased regular XC90 last time but pricing just didn’t work out. I’ll check it out again. I really liked their sports model, I forgot what it was called, they discontinued that I think, with that beautiful red color. Does it lease well now? I’ll check some sellers/offers.

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@nyclife and @aronchi have decent offerings. Depends if you want recharge or the normal mild hybrid

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