What NFT's are you all buying?

“Yeah the natives totally wanted their culturally superior colonizers to safeguard their heritage for them!”

You mean people are laundering money with this stuff? Who’d have thunk?

Now go after the real criminals using real estate, modern art and wine. Nfts are just the top layer of the onion I’m sure… These people also are in the human trade, it’s not a conspiracy, plenty of small time busts happen constantly, suspiciously small. Investigate the crown first off…hrm’s son Andrew…


NFTs haa. Why is anyone still talking about this fad is beyond me.

This bubble will be bursting soon.

Actually all asset classes will be bursting soon. But if anyone thinks NFTs are going to keep pushing higher in price, well you are just a fool to believe such a thing.

Curious where you think all this newly minted fiat will go? Unless the contract the money supply it has to go somewhere. All asset classes can’t crash otherwise, it’ll just be transferred.




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It is stupid, but i like money more so have 1000’s of NFT. made some good money.

2.1 mill is more $ then if they put the 2.9 into almost any tech stock at the same time…

Only ARKK was that stupid though


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