What is a good deal for this car?

Hi Hackers,
I am back in the market for a BMW 3 series sedan. I wanted a know what a good deal really is. For me a good deal is something that I can actually get in a reasonable amount of time ( like 2 weeks) not something that I have to wait for forever. Here is a quote that I got from a local BMW dealer ( I am in northern california) . I know this is a bad deal but I wanted to understand what will be a good deal that is also practical. I also want to understand some of the numbers from the pros.

BMW 330i
MSRP - 48340
Residual - 62%
Lease end value 29970
Initial Cap cost 45593 ( This was the advertised sale price)
Rebate 2000
Term 36
MF .00186
Total Adds to Cap 925 ( This is the BMW fee which I think is standard is california.)
Adjusted Cap 44518
xxxmt/Add: 377.00 ( Not sure what this is . Sorry the picture was cropped so it wasn’t clear. Probably DMV fees)
Base monthly rental 542.64
Tax 46.12
Total Monthly 588.76 ( This matches my calculation given the factors.)
Total Initial fees 109 ( Don’t know what this is. Is this BS )
Total Upfront fees 417 ( Don’t know what this is either)
Total Sales tax 1837 ( How did they calculate this number? don’t know. Doesn’t seem to affect the lease though.)
Amount due at start 1291.56

Here is a lease spreadsheet I made ( based on a spreadsheet from internet) -
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Q69N_CTBNc_SouUTrOTuuaY413YWp2Pw1eaaANGvt6I/edit?usp=sharing .

So My calculation matches the monthly price but I have no idea how they came up with amount due.
My questions are

  1. At what price point monthly will this be a acceptable deal . What am I shooting for ?
  2. Are the “Initial fees” and “Upfront fees” common? Negotiable?
  3. How did the dealer come up worth 1291.56 amount due at start. Makes no sense to me.

Planning to send emails to many dealers in the area but want to know what is realistic without getting ripped off.


Use search bar 20 chara

Low discount on MSRP.
Maximum Inflated MF.
Doc fees on CA should be capped at 70 I think.

They marked up the MF… base MF should be 0.00146
and they only give you a little discount, should ask for more,
and if you join AARP, you can get $1500 rebate + lower MF by 0.0002
If you put 7 MSD + AARP offer, the MF should be 0.00077

Which dealership is this? if you don’t mind me asking, I’m at northern California too.

Hi this is Stevens Creek BMW. I just started looking and wanted to get some opinion. Are you looking for something as well? Message me and we can exchange notes. I was hoping to get in the MSD program before it expires but it looks difficult at this point.

Haha , I did search a lot but its still hard to understand whats a good target. I have read about 1% of MSRP rule and also seen people getting 18% discount but they have fleet discounts, grad discounts and what not to get to that stage. It also depends on the model year , time of the year etc. Just wanted to see how you would arrive at a “good deal” with all these variables.
Ideally if someone has recently closed a good deal on 2017 330i , that would be a good data point.

There is a 330e available for 312 a month on this forum. Jump on it :slight_smile:

Thanks for the tip @vhooloo. Pinged the poster on the other thread.