What does a broker do and related information

I’m also reminded of the real estate commission chapter in Freakonomics, where the actual interests of the agents are explained.

Here’s a video summary:


They rebranded to CarEdge

You come off as angry. You also have just a little bit of knowledge, but write as though you are an expert. You are a frustrating personality. A broker gets paid by you. They have pre-negotiated dealers that are mostly better than you can get on your own, and they can do it now. You have to decide if the fee is worth it.

What they don’t do is do hours and hours and hours of work tracking down a very specific deal with the parameters you dictate. That would not be a worthwhile business.

Put yourself in the other persons shoes. You come off as the worst kind of consumer. Screw everyone, except you of course.


Not angry at all. I was just trying to understand the dynamics of the relationship. Now I don’t even care.

Seems like the OP has their answer already so not to beat a dead horse but similar questions have come up before and presumably will again

Think you’re either overthinking this or conflating it with a real estate transaction. A “broker” on LH typically presents a series of pre-negotiated deals. They are typically not negotiating on your behalf.

The fee is for the convenience of a pre-negotiated deal, time saved on the search as well as the time spent at the dealership, etc etc.

This is not real estate brokering or M&A where the stakes are much higher and people are compensated for the time required to negotiate on behalf of a client, advise every step of the way, etc.

Something similar does exist in autos. But if it’s anyone good, the time they’ll spend is worth way more than the $500 fee you typically see for pre-negotiated deals on LH.

TLDR no can expect bespoke at volume pricing.


Thank you for your answer.

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Can we close the thread then?

Just kidding… I think these are fair questions.

But to be fair, any broker… real estate or car or whatever has only one party’s best interest in mind… theirs. Of course they are trying to give the best service/deal to a buyer and then the most hassle-free/vetted transaction(s) to a seller… but let’s not assume they are your bestie. :slight_smile:


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill 5

You give him too much credit

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They useless regardless :joy:

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lets just lock it down.

arnold schwarzenegger who is your daddy GIF

Auto Brokers (not to be mixed up with real estate brokers who follow different guidelines as regulated per state, or stock brokers who follow federal guidelines), are a middleman, middlewoman or middlethey. They can find your specific requirements and search nationally, but due to the price of vehicles and total out of pocket cost of buyers, they usually workout pre-negotiated deals with dealers (selling many/inventory) and present those to buyers (typically buying 1). For that service they charge a small fee usually a small percentage or flat fee to the buyer. They may also not charge the buyer a fee and get paid by the dealer. They may also get paid by both. They are providing a service to dealers (selling inventory) and buyers (getting the vehicle that is either hard to find or something they can’t get the price on themselves).

Not done by AI but organic intelligence.


Is this your team or is this your daddy’s team?

Freakonomics vibes