VW Tiguan SE offer good or bad

MSRP 31775
sell price 28462
36 months
15k miles
residual 51% (16205.25)
MF .00117
Acq 675
dispo fee 395
sales tax is 9 %

monthly payment 420.49 plus tax zero down.

thank you

$460 a month for a $32k tiguan is atrocious. You could almost purchase it for that.

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Reach out to @rubbergash. He usually has the Tiguan SE for like $750 DAS and $290ish per month in SoCal. January 2020 VW and Subaru SOCAL Hacker Deals - no SE on the spreadsheet yet, if you ask, he’ll put it up.


What @Chi_Ahrens said, those numbers look like they quoted you a Atlas

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