Volvo XC90 lease numbers

I’m running into a lot of dead ends with a lot of Volvo SoCal dealers. Most dealers won’t even get back to me.

The best I’ve been able to due was with Culver City.

XC90 T6 inscription

MSRP 76480
Selling price: 63500

Current incentives are 5500
So negotiated price pre incentives is 69000
So that’s only 9.8% off MSRP.

36/15 term
MF .00144

Payment without taxes: 728
With taxes: 797

Drive off: 2500

I must’ve emailed 8 dealers with the same exact vehicle and they were all at approximately 65500 selling price with incentives. I asked for more and they don’t reply.

What am I doing wrong? If I can get to 12% off pre incentives, I’ll get to the 700 with tax payment that I’m looking for.

It’s not “only”. This is a good discount.

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Is this a 2020 or 2019? If 2020 and 9% off that is a good discount.

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Ok thanks guys!

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There are no incentives on 2020. And 10% is a strong discount on any Volvo. You need to work hard for 11-12%


2019, I doubt I could get that on a 2020

The stock number is indicating 2019 model. I might be wrong

We got our XC90 from Tony @ Volvo Culver City last September 2018 and his discounts usually are the best in our area. I also took my time and tried other dealers to match but no such luck. So if you don’t want to wait it out for future incentives that may be better or not and is almost to where you want to be regarding selling price, lease payment, etc. then probably his deal is the best you can find at the moment. My final consideration in going with the deal was that it was the color my wife wanted along with the specific options/packages we wanted. If you are also interested, they even deliver the car to you and handle the paper work online and final signings at the end of delivery. Good luck with your car shopping and hope it works out.

And btw we are very happy with the XC90!

Wow, is that for everyone? I live 65 miles away.

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Yes I believe so and it was well worth it since it was a surprise for my wife’s birthday gift and it saved me probably ~4 hours of driving in traffic that day. We live 50 miles from them.

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