JULY Volvo Programs New and CPO cars listed! $500 extra rebates till the 5th!

What would be Care by Volvo monthly payment on this car for 07024? Thanks.

I apologize, I stated it wrong, we can do care by volvo in NYS, we cannot do it for out of state. I apologize for my mistake

After feedback from shoppers, I have added the XC90 T5 Momentum to the price list. It is a little less expensive than the T6

Looking for 2022 XC90 Recharge extended range with air suspension. Pls let me know if you have any with such options?

we do! 1000 under msrp for it

I have XC60 with air suspension- not a good system. Let’s of issues. Research it

Who needs air suspension on XC60 anyway?

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Have a 2019 XC90 RD with 40k plus miles and the air suspension is night and day. Never had an issue. Also have a XC60 without it currently, and had a 2016 XC90 without it and they don’t ride nearly as well.

it makes a difference. I just sold an Air Suspension xc60 to a woman with nerve damage. She drove both and liked the A/S car more

Looking at this VIN:

What’s the subscription service for? What does extended range actually do vs. normal recharge?

sorry sold

It is 33 miles of range vs 22 on the normal range
also 7500 tax credit vs 5419
finally subscription is a lease that you can cancel after 5 months. You are paying for the flexibility. It also includes wear and use protection and tire and wheel.

After customer feedback, we have included loaner deals! Updated with loaners @12.17% off.

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is there a link on some of the loaner deals currently avail? thx.


Which one is this? XC60?

The link was in the op

Yes they are b5 xc60

Please read the original post before you pm me thanks!

Got it! The disc on the xc60 demo/loaners looks good. I’ll reach out to you privately tomorrow.

I went onto the website and was not able to pin down the demo’s to pick a stock number .

Thats all good just let me know which color you want