Volvo Car Totaled off , Do i owe or Do i get Refund?

What did they say ?

Have you called your insurance company?

Yes. I did called them As i leased they cannot send cheque directly to me. They will send money to VFS.

VFS will decide to give that money to me or not .

When i checked with VFS. We will refund automatically if we received more than payoff amount.

curious of your thoughts of the X3 after driving the volvo?

Update : Volvo(VFS) has sent cheque for overage amount .

Thanks for your valuable inputs on this discussion.

Admin : Please close this thread.

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So you got an ~$8k check from VCFS and profited from the deal?

Yes. I have received the Cheque of $84XX.XX from Volvo.


New way of hacking lease as opposite to snow ramp of highway:)


More than a money , i loved that vehicle. I had long time research to lease my first car.

My brother cash out of his Volvo lease similar way for $1,5xx

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A post was split to a new topic: S60 totaled - are taxes and fees reimbursable?