Volvo 2020 XC90 T5 Momentum 36/12K, 10MSD, 0DAS, $529 after tax

Is it a good deal?

MSRP: $53,890
Discount: $4,813
Vehicle Price: $49,077
payments include optional item: door edge guard $397

0 down 540.9
1500 down 497.27
3000 down 453.64
w/o optional guard: 0 down, 529

couldnt get MF or RV

Hard to evaluate the deal without all the info

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MF is 0.00131

That’s the buy rate or that’s what they’re charging?

What incentives are applied? Are they included in the discount amount?

when I asked for MF, that was the number that he has given to me
RV is $35178.50

How about this deal?
$0 drive off, $4800 MSD
599.99 after tax

WEVO-FI WAQ Quote Worksheet - Lease tony 3191
: $ 2,068.77- 14) Money Factor: 0.00141

 :                      $   300.00  15) Term:                           36
Quote No.:       139713 (DMV Est.)  16) Security Deposit:      $  4,800.00
  1. Contract Date: 10/05/19 17) License Fee: $ 588.00

  2. Lease Institution: VFL 18) Doc Tax: 9.5000%

  3. Stock Number: VX20120 19) CapTax1 Rt/Amt: 9.5000%

  4. M.S.R.P.: $ 53,890.00 20) Ttl UpFrt Fees (W): $ 38.75

  5. L.E.V. Rt/Amt: 65.00%$ 35,028.50 21) Acq Fee Tax: 9.5000%

  6. Mileage Window: Base Monthly Rental: $ 547.94

  7. CASH PRICE:      $   49,337.23  22) Mnthly Use Tax 9.5000% $     52.05
  8. Cap Reduction: 23) Ttl Mnthly Payment: $ 599.99

  9. Ttl Add To Cap (W): $ 1,080.00

  10. We Owes (Accessories: 24) 1 Pay Amt:

  11. ServCont/Maint(W): 25) First Payment Date: 11/05/19

  12. Trade Window.:

  13. Rebate: $ 1,226.74 26) DRIVE OFF: $ 6,026.74
    ADJ Cap Cost: $ 50,417.23 27) Customer Cash Down: $ 4,800.00
    Total Cap Reduction: 28) Total Working Cash: $ 6,026.74

And how does the rate they gave you compare to what Edmunds provided when you asked for RV, MF, and incentives?

A quick search makes it seem like you are getting this quote from Culver City. There have been a couple of great deals on the forum that came from there.

Culver City shows a $1,500 lease incentive on that car, So the pre-incentive selling price would be $50,837.23 (5.7% pre-incentive discount). I don’t know if that is good or bad for a 2020, but seems a little low based on the broker pricing in the marketplace on the 2020s. EDIT - there may be another $750 dealer cash based on their website. If there is really $2,250 in lease cash, the dealer discount is basically non-existent.

I know it is the wrong coast, but @aronchi is advertising 2020 XC90 T5s at a much bigger discount (same MSRP range).

Aronchi's Oct Volvo BLOWOUT - '20 XC90 & XC60, '19 XC60 T8 HYBRID! '19 XC90 M/R - NO FEE EVER! - NY/NJ & NEARBY

wow, when I used there deal for calculation
36/15K was only $513 after tax.
What do i have to do from now? show him this is the deal that I can see from the other dealer in the other state?

You should find out what the incentives, RV, and mf are in your area and run the numbers based in a reasonable post incentive discount to see where that would put you. Then counter offer with a pre incentive discount number

I don’t think you can just show a dealer the calculator and expect them to match or beat it. They will probably just tell you to go get it from him.

one more question… is it matter if my living zipcode is different from purchasing zipcode?
living in Norcal but is going to lease from Socal. In this case, which MF and RV should I get? my living zipcode even if I am trying to get a car from Socal?

I believe Volvo incentives are based on dealership location, however, I don’t believe they vary between NorCal and socal

Where you live, unless you live at the dealership.


What brand’s incentives are based on where you buy and not where you live? See also


Yes, it’s not the industry norm.

Mine were based on where I lived.

Volvo, BMW, MB (?)…

They must’ve been the same at both regions.