Vehicle lease info for BMW X5


I have no problem spoon feeding a deal to someone but at some point I’d like to see a return on this (consultation fee) :grin:

Rather teach a man to fish.

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Of course.

I’m all for folks going on the hunt for themselves and getting the same thrill of the kill but some aren’t so inclined or lack the time to do it.

More so people need to realize that if you want to get that lease hacker deal you need to work for it. Nothing in life comes free, whether you spend time or money is up to you. Want the easy path then pay a broker.

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sometimes deals fall into your lap though, just gotta know the variables.

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Both my unicorns fell into my lap @anon11379241

To the OP, I had a bit of a hard time finding where on Edmunds to get the info. I thought it was just posted somewhere on their main page, didn’t realize it was on their forum. But I knew this wasn’t the place to ask, lol.

The guy left for Edmunds a long time ago but we still keep talking…

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Perhaps I haven’t been around long enough to be considered “we,” but you both may notice that most of these types of requests by new posters are formatting nearly the same, as if they’ve been directed here by some other authoritative resource online.

And… from the context of other posts I’ve read over time, I’ve gathered that the info requested in this thread and others like it was once available here.

Give someone new the benefit of the doubt. You can tell from further posts later in the thread that OP isn’t here to antagonize. It doesn’t take long to figure this out… people generally reveal themselves in their first 20 posts.

If threads like this annoy you, why not just skip them and move on?

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If you’ve looked around, it also appears in the RV/MF section that Leasehackr no longer has access to this information, and that Edmunds should be the go-to for this information. That combined with the fact that every. single. one. of these threads gets the same response. 5 seconds of research would have clarified that.

It should be a sticky at this point though, now we’re wasting everyone’s time.

I’ve looked around…

… and never noticed that there was a RV/MF section until I just went to look for it.

I generally just check Latest or Unread when I visit here, like I do when I browse other forums.

Tried to make that clear here:

Perhaps we should close the RV/MF sub-category entirely, but that won’t stop people folks from asking elsewhere.

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Most of the deals I see posted on Edmunds kinda suck.

I was tracking the MF on the Q8 for a while, saw someone bragging about like $1,300 a month (IIRC) and someone else asking him how he scored that deal.

Kinda want to encourage bad deals sometimes, find out the dealer, and then go hit them for a unicorn.

No one here goes to Edmunds for deals, just for programs.

I know, I just find the deals there entertaining.

The general public is thrilled to get invoice pricing before incentives, just saying.

The key word was “here”, as LH. Just saying

(Skip to 10:50)

Easy. Cap full cost.

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Skip to 10:34 where he tells you to go to Edmunds.